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Chinese, imported as agricultural laborers and family servants, would resolve the agricultural labor free Live sec dilemma and the servant challenge, and we need to have the best agricultural personnel in the planet and the most effective family servants in the world, in endless figures." one f Now I submit that such arguments, having said that well- yatentioned, are nothing at all limited of race-treason. If there he a person reality which record has proved, it is the solemn real truth that those who operate the land will ulti- mately own the land. J Furthermore, the cduntryside is the seed-mattress from which the town populations are generally recruited. The 1 shiny location in our normally dubious ethnic long run is the simple fact that most of our unassimilable aliens 1 Leslie's Weekly, May 4, 1918. THE Inner DIKES 295 have stopped in the cities, although many of the most assimilable immigrants have settled in the nation, consequently reinforcing relatively than replacing our native American rural inhabitants. Any recommendation which ad- vocates the settlement of our countryside by Asiatics and the deliberate driving of our indigenous stocks to the towns, there to be sterilized and eradicated, is merely unspeakable. Fortunately, this kind of deadly counsels were being with us by no means acted upon, albeit they should really be remembered as lurk- ing perils which will most likely be urged yet again in long term periods of stress. (But all through Europe's war-agony, yel- lower, brown, and black gentlemen have been imported wholesale, not only for the armies, but also for the factories and fields. These colored aliens have primarily been shipped back again to their homes. Nevertheless, they have carried with them vivid recollections of the marvellous West, and the tale will distribute to the remotest corners of the coloured globe, stirring tricky-pressed colored bread- seekers to distant ventures. Furthermore, Europe has had a practical demonstration of the colored alien's manifold usefulness, and if Europe's problems are pro- longed, the coloured male may perhaps be more and more used there both in peace and war. / Even throughout the war the French and English functioning lessons felt the strain of coloured competitiveness. Race- experience grew strained, and presently each England and France witnessed the (to them) unwonted spectacles of race-riots in their port-towns wherever the colored aliens were being most thickly gathered. An American ob- 296 THE Rising TIDE OF Color server as a result describes the "breaking of the exclusion walls erected against the Chinese ": "In London, one particular Wednesday night, 20-4 months ago (i
eight. Annon aperte indicat, quod sicut mundus componitur ex contrariis, nempe ex calido et frigido, humido et sicco, ita etiam ex iis qui dant, et ex iis qui accipiunt? eleven. "Sunt (enim,) qui seminantes multiplicant, et qui colligentes minus habent."25262526 Prov. 27. inquit. Et rursus: "Eleemosynæ et fides ne te deficiant,"25212521 Prov. 3. inquit. "Paupertas" autem "virum humiliat, ditant autem manus virorum."25222522 Prov. 12-14. inquit Apostolus: naturali autem divinæ ceconomiæ necessitate mors sequitur generationem: et corporis et animæ conjunctionem consequitur eorum dissolutio. Mors autem animæ dicitur peccatum. "Et ideo quemadmodum per unum hominem peccatum ingressum est in mundum, per peccaturn quoque mors advert omnes homines pervasit, quatenus omnes peccaverunt et regnavit mors ab Adam usque advertisement Moysen,"25452545 Rom. Unde merito cum de consummatione Logos locutus fuerat, ait Salome: "Quousque morientur homines? 25502550 Matt. xviii. 20. annon virum et mulierem et filium tres dicit, quoniam mulier cum viro per Deum conjungitur? Quomodo autem existimatur mulier causa morris, propterea quod pariat: ita etiam dicetur dux vitæ propter eamdem causam. Si est autem propter doctrinam et agnitionem generatio, restitutionis causa erit dissolutio. Quare caute et considerate respondet Dominus: "Quoadusque pepererint mulieres," hoc est quandiu operabuntur cupiditates

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