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This was his 1st murder. A 3rd river, the Rhymney, flows by way of the east of the metropolis instantly into the Severn Estuary. Newport to the north by the South Wales Valleys, and to the south by the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel. Plasnewydd, Gabalfa, Roath, Cathays, Adamsdown and Splott ward on the north and east of the metropolis centre, and Butetown, Grangetown, Riverside and Canton to the south and west. The centre of Cardiff is somewhat flat and bounded by hills to the east, north and west. To the west lie Ely and Caerau, which have some of the premier housing estates in the United Kingdom. With the exception of some outlying privately developed estates at Michaelston-tremendous-Ely, this is an economically deprived place with large figures of unemployed households. The internal-metropolis locations to the south of the A4161 street, identified as the "Southern Arc", are with the exception of Cardiff Bay some of the poorest districts of Wales, with very low degrees of financial action. All of the city's electors have an extra vote for the South Wales Central regional users this program increases proportionality to the Senedd. The Members of the Senedd (MSs), the Senedd Commission and ministerial guidance employees are centered in Cardiff Bay

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